It’s been another great month at the Centre. Lots of activities. Lots of rentals. Lots of good food consumed. At the May board meeting Treasurer Alison Kowalewski reported another positive balance in the monthly profit and loss sheet. The MySeniorCenter (MSC) membership system is showing its value, validating the decision to implement it. One negative consequence however is the increased stress level imposed upon our many wonderful office volunteers. The growing membership base has also increased the business of the front desk tremendously. Handling the many requirements for running the MSC software and attending to the myriad office needs is tremendously challenging. This is unfair to them, and we need to address this issue. Therefore, we plan to hire an Office Manager, who would be a constant at the front desk, in control of MSC operations, and a consistent voice responding to member requirements and questions during open hours. This position will be in addition to current staff member Gill Smith who will be the Manager of Operations and Engagement. She will continue the great work she does coordinating activities, rentals, communication needs and community outreach. She’s the driving force behind the Echo.

Treasurer Alison Kowalewski presented a budget projection for 2024 year at the May Board meeting, showing that we are in a strong financial position and indicating that we could cover the additional cost of close to $40,000 for the new position. However, one requirement of the budget projection is an increase in SSAC membership fees to $40, but with no increase in activity fees, which will remain $4 and $6. The Board consequently voted in favour of the hiring and the increase in membership fees starting in September 2024. Also included in the projection was $35,000 in anticipated donations to the General Revenue Program. Last year we were very fortunate that over $46,000 was donated to this program. Despite our strong revenue from meals, activities, and rentals we still are dependent on donations to allow us to bridge the gap between expenses and revenue. We are confident that moving forward we will be able to continue to provide high quality affordable services and activities to our members.

On the topic of donations, the Affordable Lunch Program launched in September 2023 has been a tremendous success as members have shown their generosity to others, to contain meal costs. Since September, over $6,500 has been donated to this program. The donation box on the lunch counter alone generates an average of just over $50 per week. In September we set a target of $10,000 to offset revenue deficit on kitchen operations. At that time, we stated that frozen entrees would be held at $6 and $8, and no hot entrée would be over $12. Moving forward that will still be the case, but with slight adjustment. All hot entrees will be $12, there will be no $11 options. The two exceptions will be Friday Fish and Chips staying at $10 and one other hot entrée will be offered on a particular day each week at $10.

We do have a shortage of volunteers to wash dishes using the sterilizer/dishwasher and to hand wash pans. So, if you are able bodied and would like to volunteer for 4 hours a week please check in at the front desk and fill in a volunteer information sheet. The SSAC operates because of over 150 volunteers generously giving of their time. Thanks so much to all of them.

Richard Ward