On May 25th SpinDrift Street was back! With Garth Bowen, Randy Shepherd and Charlie Veaudry, we were not disappointed. The Auditorium was filled with many people dancing and enjoying great music. There were many regulars, but also new people came to our dance. Many commented that they loved the atmosphere and our dancing floor and are planning to come back again.
Some people who come to our monthly dances were commenting that it will be good if we have also some foods available for them to purchase.
We listened and ordered locally made fresh Coastal Crust Pizza. So leave some space in your tummy and try some delicious pizza at our next dance.
On June 22nd we will welcome back Blue Western, with Mike Evans, Warren Allan, Archie MacLean, Ken Gustafson and Garth Bowen. They are known to play country classic from Merle, Waylon, Dwight, Maverick and more.
It will be again a good time to get together with your friends and have a fun evening listening and dancing to tunes that we all know. I have to say that we are so fortunate to have such a beautiful facility in SSAC to hold our monthly dances.
There will be one more fun evening happening in June. Friday June 7th we are having the Line Dance Workshop and Dance. The beginners’ lessons will be from 6:30 to 7:30 and then we will be dancing to pre-recorded music. So, put on your boots and get your friends to come and join us. We will have non-alcoholic beverages to purchase.
Many thanks to everyone who comes to SSAC dances for your support. I also like to thank everyone at the bar and all who volunteer to help set up and decorate before dance and clean up afterwards.