Do Your Part to Ensure the Continuance of Strong Governance!

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 12th. Several board positions will be up for election. Our full complement is 4 Executive members (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary), and 7 Directors-at-large. They take on roles as heads of various administrative committees such as Security, Health & Safety, Special Events, Fund Raising, Communications, and Legal and Legislation. At the 2023 Fall Membership Meeting it was moved that the board members would have 2-year terms but with a one-year overlap in terms for approximately 50% of the board members. This will ensure only partial replacement of the board at each election. Therefore, at this coming AGM only those positions with an incumbent completing a one-year term will be vacant. Elections will be held for the vacant 2-year term positions of Vice President and 4 Director at large positions. The President, Treasurer, Secretary and 3 Directors at large will be continuing to complete their 2-year terms until March 2026.

In order to ensure that we have a successful transition to a new board, we need nomination of candidates to vacant positions and a large attendance at the AGM. Only members 50 years of age or older can vote at the meeting. A candidate nominating committee will solicit nominations and receive nomination forms and organize the voting at the AGM. A display in the main corridor will list nominated candidates as they are approved. Nomination forms can be picked up at the main office.

Every candidate for election must be nominated by the Nominating Committee, or in writing, signed by at least two Regular Members in good standing, where the candidate consents in writing to the nomination, and the nomination and consent are received by the Chair of the Nominating Committee at least forty-eight (48) hours before the scheduled time of the election. Nominations shall not be accepted from the floor at the AGM.

Please consider putting yourself forward for election to the Board. The Centre is a very rewarding and enjoyable place to be. We are evolving quickly and need new blood to keep stimulating our development and help maintain the level of service we already provided.