In keeping track of our membership we have two important tasks:
- Maintaining a database of memberships for payments and communication needs.
- Checking validity of memberships upon entry into the Centre for activities and meals.
With respect to a membership database, we have been fortunate that member Viktor Kiss developed a membership database system that has provided valiant service for us. We thank him tremendously for that contribution to the Centre. However, there are limitations to the capabilities of the system, as there would be for any custom-made software.
Our greeters fulfill the role of checking memberships upon entry. We certainly understand the frustration you feel when you are hunting through a pocket or purse to find your membership card, especially when there is a line-up behind you. We have been attempting to find a better solution for each of these issues.
In addition, over and above database management and checking the entry of members we have major needs such as:
- Ease of communication with members
- Ease of scheduling activities and rentals
- Ease of registering, checking in and paying for activities
- Ease of producing administrative reports
After much deliberation, the Board decided that we needed to move to a full-service computerized database system. We therefore purchased the enhanced software package from (MSC). It is used very successfully by over 1,600 seniors’ centres in the U.S. and many in Canada, including South Granville Seniors Centre in Vancouver. Enquiries to other centres using this system have informed us that users are not only satisfied with the functioning of the system but also the quality of support provided by the company.
The membership card will be a thing of the past. Initially, each member will be assigned a key tag which, when scanned, will verify membership status upon entry. Over time, the full capabilities of the MSC system will be introduced. Upon entry the key tag will be scanned, immediately displaying the information and check-in options for that member on a dedicated touch screen kiosk. This will verify current membership and allow quick check-in to activities that day. If you forget your key tag, your name can be entered quickly to bring up the same information.
The full MSC system has been purchased, and includes a touch-screen kiosk with scanner, and key tags. The existing SSAC membership data is being transferred into the system, accompanied by extensive training and operational support from staff members. In addition, two iPads loaded with system Apps will be used for scanned entry away from the front entrance, such as the rear entrance to the Auditorium, or for check-in of after-hours activities. This entire package has cost approximately $10,000. In addition, there will be a $2,500 annual fee for continued service and consultation.
When a key tag is scanned the member’s basic information and validation of membership will be displayed. In addition, the daily schedule of events and activities will be entered into the system, with your check-in options for activities displayed. We plan to take a staged approach to the introduction of the system, first getting key tags to members for verified entry then using the activity check-in function for a few select activities. After hours activities will be the last to be brought on-line for check-in. Training for key SSAC volunteers has already commenced.
The first step is to verify the membership information that has been transferred from our old system. Because there were multiple errors found in the previous database and the need for such specific information as cellular phone number and birthdate, we require that you complete a SSAC Personal Information Form. This can be achieved in several ways. The form is in the printed copy of the ECHO or is printable from your pdf version downloaded from the website.
Click here to download the SSAC Personal Information Form.
Complete the form and hand it in at the SSAC main office, during office hours, 9:30 to 3 pm Monday through Friday. A fillable pdf will also be sent by email, so that you can complete and return it by email if you wish, particularly when it is difficult to attend the front office during open hours. Members that have submitted completed forms will be able to pick up their SSAC Key Tags starting Monday January 8th. The aim in January is to get as many members as possible with key tags. If you are currently a greeter or front desk volunteer, do not panic. Detailed training will be given over the next months to those who will have direct contact with the system at different levels. If you are not comfortable with modern technology, be assured there will still be many front desk related tasks for you. However, if you would like to volunteer a few hours a week with this exciting new computerized system, please let us know at the front desk.
In January you will see a front entrance touch-screen kiosk being used to verify all member entries. The plan is to have the extensive activity check-in features you will see on the kiosk begin to be operational January 22nd. Activities occurring within opening hours will be the first to use the check-in features. The after-hours activities will be phased in later, as they present extra challenges to the check-in process.
If you are interested in learning more about the new computerized system, please view the website. With our membership numbers continuing to grow it is vital that we move to this full-service system, in order make your SSAC experience the best it can be. Although our technology will be changing, the Centre is still about the people. We will strive to ensure that it remains a wonderful place to come for whatever your needs.