At the Annual General Meeting of the Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre Society on Wednesday March 12, elections will be held for vacancies on the board of directors. This year four Directors-at-large and a Vice-President need to be elected (or acclaimed) for a two-year term. To achieve this, we need candidates to be nominated. Those directors who currently hold these positions may run for office again. Any member of the Centre in good standing may be nominated for these positions. All that is required is that they be nominated by two other members in good standing or by the Nomination Committee. However, only regular members (over the age of fifty) may vote. Nomination Forms are available at the front desk. Completed nomination forms must be received at the front desk at least 48 hours before the election is held i.e. by 1:30 pm on March 10, 2025. Nominations from the floor at the Annual General Meeting cannot be accepted.

The Mission of the Sechelt Seniors Centre Society is to support and improve the lives of our members by providing mental and physical stimulation and social opportunities.

Our Core Values are inclusivity, accountability, positivity and sustainability.

The Role of the Board of Directors is ensuring the Centre’s financial health, ensuring sound relationships, ensuring good performance, communicating effectively, developing and updating a long-term plan and ensuring the existence of a good governance framework.

The Directors Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge to the best of my ability, the duties of the office of Director of the Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre in accordance with its Constitution, Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures.

I further swear (or affirm) I shall respect member interests by serving as a faithful protector of the Society’s assets, and I will abide by majority decisions of the Board, while retaining the right to seek changes in decision through ethical and constructive channels.

The Board of Directors meets monthly and Directors are expected to attend a minimum of 18 meetings during their two year term of office. They are also expected to sit on at least one committee. There is no financial remuneration, but directors can receive a meal voucher for the day of attendance at a board meeting.

Bert Carswell