There is an impressive stream of funds given to the donation programs by generous SSAC members who not only can afford to offer a donation but in doing so, show they care about the Centre and our members. The totals to date for the 3 programs are: Affordable Lunch program $3,410.75, General Revenue program $21,750 and SSAC Endowment fund $14,000. The much-needed General Revenue total was swelled by incredibly generous donations of $10,000 each by Louise Parker and Bob Mackie. The Endowment fund received its first In Memoriam donation as Sheryl Yoner donated $5,000 in memory of her mother Marie Yoner. However, all donations big or small are important to us. For example, since the beginning of September, a total of $505.85 has been collected in the Affordable Lunch program donation box, located at the lunch counter. Thank you to all of you anonymous donors. As promised below is the Honour list of donors who have agreed to be acknowledged by name.