A convenient feature of the new MySeniorCenter (MSC) system is the ability to send out Broadcasts to our members. When you filled in your personal information sheet and got your MSC key tag you were asked by which mode would be comfortable receiving messages from the centre. Your options were email, text or voice messages to your phone. You could select one or more of these options. We are trying not to overuse it but if we have an important message we want to get to all members or just a subgroup of them, we can send out a broadcast. A recent example is we had to notify you at short notice that the kitchen would not be open on a certain day. However, when we sent out such broadcasts in the past it has alarmed some members, thinking that this might be some sort of scam. Sadly, scams are very prevalent especially in Seniors. Therefore, we wanted to give you some information intended to allay your fear about our broadcasts.
If you opted to receive Text messages, the phone number sending the message will show as (855) 626– 5112. If you go in to your contacts, you can label that number as SSAC or Seniors Centre as you wish. The first line of the text will always be “From Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre”. The end of the message will always be “Do not reply to this message”. You can not call this number. It is simply a number used by the MSC system to send the message from.
If you opted to receive emails, then the broadcast emails will be sent from . The broadcast emails have a distinctive blue panel with the topic of the e-mail broadcast and the indication that is from the Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre. This too will have at the end of it the phrase “Do not reply to this message”. This email address is not monitored, and you will not receive a reply if you send to it.
Although it is available to use, we do not plan to send voice messages to your phone. We will let you know if that decision changes in the future. You may however receive an individual phone call from one of our front desk volunteers if the need arises.