After a hiatus of 18 months, Memory Café re-started at the Seniors Activity Centre in September. The program was designed by caregivers for caregivers and their loved ones and is patterned, in part, after the Minds in Motion program offered by the Alzheimer’s Society.
The weekly two hour program is divided into two parts, one part consists of low-impact exercises led by a personal trainer. The second part consists of conversation and simple games designed to stimulate areas of the brain affected by memory loss. We are looking forward to organizing pot luck lunches and bus trips in the future as we have in the past.
The restart has been very successful with old members being joined by many new members. If you have a partner who is struggling with cognizant difficulties, we encourage you to join us to see if this is for you.
Caregivers must also attend Memory Café. No charge for caregivers.
Memory Café is a $6 activity. PassCards can be used.