Welcome to all of you that survived our recent environmental onslaughts. Like some sort of Sechelt Margarita, we were frozen and shaken in the month of February. First came the blizzard and days of dealing with snow depths not experienced for 30 years on the Coast. It did bring out a hero in volunteer Brent Sheppard. He spent countless hours with his shovel and salt ensuring that our car parks and paths were as cleared and safe as possible. Many thanks, Brent.

February 21st was a very moving day at the SSAC as our managers meeting was interrupted by a magnitude 4.8 earthquake. The good news is there was no damage to the Centre and no injuries to members. However, there was suddenly a very heightened awareness of emergency preparedness. Most fortuitously, there is an Emergency Preparedness Fair to be held at the SSAC in early May. Look out for announcements about that important upcoming event.

Some of you may not know that Chef Emily has been away since the end of December for a scheduled operation and rest break. We welcomed back Emily returning to work on February 24th. In December, we hired Jackie Coombs as a part-time Assistant Chef, but also, she has filled in as Head Chef during Emily’s absence. Jackie has done a wonderful job for us, with many compliments about the quality of her meals. Thank you, Jackie, for the magnificent job you have done for us and for fitting in so seamlessly.

Nancy Brindley (board member) and Executive Director Lesley Anne Clarke of SCACL (Sunshine Coast Association for Community Living) reached out to us to enquire if some of the people they serve would be able to attend some of our activities. We pointed out that people of any age can buy memberships with us, so they would be very welcome. SCACL serves people with developmental disabilities. Their ages range from late teens to older ages. You will start to see these new members in March and hope you will make them feel especially welcome and show off the SSAC for the joyous place that it is.

In January the online 50/50 prize was $5,670. In February it was lower at $1,765, won by Maryanne Brabander, one of our bus drivers and Memory Cafe organizers. For various reasons we were not able to do as much promotion as needed. It illustrates how promotion is so important in building the size of Jackpot we need, to produce the proceeds necessary to fulfil our affordable meal and accessible transportation goals.

We will be making a big push in 50/50 promotion for the March 26th draw. If you are interested in helping by promoting the Sunshine Coast Seniors 50/50 Lottery, let us know at the front desk. I sound like a broken record on this, but this place would not run without our multitude of volunteers. So, whether it is kitchen or office services, 50/50 or some other valuable role, all your efforts are as always very much appreciated.

The important date coming in March is the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday March 12th at 1:30pm (doors open at 1pm). Elections for vacant SSAC Board positions will be held. There are 11 board positions; 5 of them will be open for new 2-year term elections. The other 6 are continuing to complete the second year of their term. The open positions will be Vice- President and 4 Director-at-large positions. Nomination forms are available at the front desk and each person nominated must have two members in good standing sign the form. The deadline for nominations is 48 hours before the start time of the meeting. A list of members nominated for positions in the election will be posted on the notice board at the far end of the corridor above the MSC kiosk. The list will be updated as nominations are approved. Please make sure you attend the meeting and give us the strongest board possible to make positive decisions as we move forward. All votes for new board members will be done by secret ballot and members at least 50 years of age are eligible to vote.

Best wishes for a great month to come and don’t forget to join us at the St Patrick’s dance to be held Saturday evening, March 15th.

Richard Ward