The Centre would not be able to run if it were not for all of our incredible volunteers, and we can not thank them enough for all of their efforts.

We know that our volunteers do it for the satisfaction and feeling of helping others. However, traditionally at the Centre we offer a token of appreciation for their service. That is, if a volunteer completes at least a 2-hour shift they qualify for a $12 credit towards a food purchase that day: either in dining room or take-home frozen entrees. However, several individuals do not take advantage of this. We are now offering an alternative option. Rather than a $12 food credit, a volunteer can take a $12 activity fee credit per 2-hour minimum shift. If you prefer this option, you will be assigned a volunteer membership key tag, and use a new Volunteer Activity Credit card to keep track of shifts. Once you have completed four shifts and listed them on the card, you hand it in to the front desk for a $48 credit to be added to your volunteer wallet. It has no cash value and can only be used for scanning into and paying for activities.

We do have a pressing need for new volunteers, especially able-bodied individuals to help out in the kitchen as dishwashers and servers. If you are interested in this option, go to the office and they will set you up with what you need. Thanks again to all of you serving us now and in the future.