On behalf of the SSAC Board of Directors, SSAC President Richard Ward handed out life memberships to three worthy volunteers at the Annual Christmas Luncheon held on December 20th. The recipients for 2024 were:
Dosie Bryant
- SSAC member for more than 10 years.
- Began volunteering as a server in the dining room
- Joined the Craft Group where she and her husband created wooden stands for the order numbers in the dining room
- Sewed cloth bags for takeout food to reduce plastic waste
- Sewed aprons for the food service volunteers
Sahra Hailey
- SSAC member for more than 15 years
- Worked as a dining room server for most of those years
- Acts as a backup for special occasions
- A long term employee of the Royal Bank, she acquired several bank grants for the Centre
Alison Kowaleski
- SSAC member for six years
- Started volunteering in the dining room in various roles and continues to be a backup there
- Elected SSAC Treasurer since March 2022
- In addition to her responsibilities as treasurer, she has overseen office schedules until recently
- Member of the Bus and the Food Services Committees
- Played a key role in the implementation of our new MySeniorCenter software communication program
- To carry out all these tasks, Alison has worked over 1300 volunteer hours this year
- Life Members have served the Centre in an extraordinary way as a member in good standing and as a volunteer for at least five years and have had a significant positive impact on the Centre’s mission while personifying its core values.