By any metric we are being very successful at the SSAC, we have a friendly stimulating environment, many new members, money in the bank, and top-notch food services. The rollout of MySeniorCenter is proceeding at a rapid pace. It has been well received by members, and we are grateful for their patience as we work out the optimum logistics for entry and activity check-in. Over 1450 key tags have been assigned already. We have at least 1,600 active members with a total of over 2,000 members in the database. New members are signing up every day. Alison Kowalewski, May Jim, Pam Demers, Christine Twaits and Chris Hadaway have done an amazing job launching the system and training the front desk and greeter volunteers.

Our success however has raised the issue of how we can streamline the entry of so many members at times of multiple activities with the new kiosk system. This is especially the case around lunchtime. Unfortunately, the iPad app we purchased did not perform as expected. For example, when it was used for lunch entry it did not flag who had an expired membership. Another problem is that the app would not work for after-hours sign-in, as was originally expected.

However, the biggest concern is dealing with so many members entering the facility and registering at the same time.

It is now apparent that we need to purchase additional Kiosks to be able to adequately service all our members for all events. A kiosk is the touch screen plus the tabletop scanner with it. At the February meeting, the Board voted to purchase two more Kiosks and a hand-held scanner. This will facilitate quicker entry with an additional one in the main corridor, servicing as a “fast lane” entry for activities. The second extra kiosk will be dedicated to after-hours activities and Auditorium events.

There is a “wallet” feature in the system that allows you to deposit money and have that debited when you check in to activities. We plan to start using this feature in mid-March. As of Monday, March 4th, you can start depositing money by credit card, debit card or cash into your wallet using the square at the front desk. We will be discontinuing the use of activity tickets to move to payment from your wallet. Do not worry if you are left with excess tickets. They can be handed in at the front desk and their value credited to your wallet.

As with each of the transitions, there will be bumps in the road that need to be smoothed out, so we really appreciate your patience. All the greeters and office workers are volunteers, except for one Centre Manager. We have presented them with tremendous changes in the past months. Even though they may only work one or two shifts a week, we expect them to be on top of everything for the next shift. This is made harder by changes that keep occurring as we learn more about how to use the many aspects of MySeniorCenter. I cannot thank the volunteers enough for their diligence and pride in their performance and most of all their good humour.

The cost of two kiosks plus a hand-held scanner will be less than $10,000. The hand-held scanner is a self-contained unit that could be used for events like bus trips. The bus driver would simply scan them in as they get on the bus. The original cost of the complete one-kiosk MySeniorCenter system was covered by a $10,000 donation from the BINGO gaming account. That account is not part of general revenue but you can make donations to it. At its usual growth rate, we should have a balance in the BINGO gaming account of a further $10,000 by the end of July to cover the cost of the additional kiosks.

As for the general revenue account, we are in great shape. Full details of our financial status will be provided in the Treasurer’s report at the AGM. Covering the cost of a new freezer for frozen entrees in the main office, repair of the walk-in fridge and the kitchen A/C unit repair was aided by the affordable lunch program donations that are also allowing us to keep the meal prices constrained. The byproduct of our increase in the number of memberships is that the general revenue account is growing, despite recent maintenance expenses. Currently, the general revenue account holds around $68,000.

We have addressed several ventilation issues in the past months. Namely, repair of the gas-driven heat pumps on the roof and an A/C unit in the kitchen. There is still the issue of the lack of fresh air in the back offices. Presently, all three windows are solid glass with no ability to open. We will be replacing all three with opening windows to allow the flow of fresh air. Two will have a small horizontal sliding panel at the top. The third will have a large vertically rising bottom panel which will also act as an extra way to vacate the offices in case of fire. The cost of this work will be less than $5,000. Tremendous thanks go to Bob Maveety who has helped so much by dealing with many maintenance issues and contacting contractors as we continue to work without a Maintenance Director, a situation that will hopefully be rectified in the March elections.

The Centre needs a strong working board with a variety of experiences and talents. Please help by coming and voting at the March 20th AGM. If you feel you could be a contributor as a Board member, please do not hesitate to put your name forward. You can get nomination forms from the main office and only need the signatures of two members in good standing on it. Nominations are open until 48 hours before the start of the AGM.

As we move forward feel free to share with us any ideas or suggestions for us to consider. We aim to make the Centre everything it needs to be to create a friendly and stimulating environment for our members. We truly want it to be “Your Home away from Home.”

Richard Ward