It has been a busy and successful month. It is encouraging to see how many new and renewing members are signed up each day. Our membership is hovering somewhere around 1,600 currently. Unfortunately, what is declining is our complement of board members. Two huge recent losses are John Keller who his moving to Penticton, and Andy Kobervitz our Maintenance Director who has had to resign due to ill health. Andy is expecting to make a full recovery but at present, concentrating on his health must be the main priority. We wish them all the best and thank them for the very valuable contributions they made to the running of the Centre. As a result of their departure, we need a new Maintenance Director and a Director with experience in audio-visual and media. Being a director at the SSAC is not an easy position. They all work extremely hard, but the rewards of seeing the fruits of your labours in the smiles of our members is very rewarding. In March, a new board will be elected at the Annual General Meeting, but if you have the time and desire and would like to be considered for one of the two open board positions, please let us know. Just provide us with a brief bio, then if you are approved to the board you would need to get a criminal record check. If you simply want to volunteer on an occasional or regular basis, please fill in a volunteer form at the front desk and we will find you something enjoyable to do. Welcome to Susan Grenville, a new Director at large.
Do not forget that we have the Fall General Membership Meeting at 2pm (doors open 1:30pm) Wednesday October 25th in the SSAC Auditorium. Please make a big effort to attend as we have important changes to the constitution that need to be approved by the membership, and we would also like to hear your feedback on our performance.
Speaking of very hard-working board members Treasurer Alison Kowalewski reported a positive balance of revenue over expenses of $971 for August for a balance of $18,963 for the year to date. Revenue was expected to be lower in August due to the expected seasonal lower activity numbers and kitchen sales.
If you see board member Chris O’Brennan wheeling carts full of interesting objects down the corridor, that is because she has gone into her Flea Market sort and price hyper mode. We have a Flea Market in the Auditorium Saturday October 7th 10am – 2pm. The success of our flea markets is determined by Chris’s incredible organisational efforts. Vendor tables can be reserved at the front desk for $25. Please feel free to drop off during office hours, any quality items you would like to donate.
There is a separate article updating the donation campaign but thank you to all the generous donors that are helping us to fulfill our goals. We appreciate and take very seriously the trust you are showing in us.
Although we have had no issues at the Centre, we want you all to stay safe. So due to the recent developments in the COVID situation, we want to be very cautious and would appreciate you wearing masks whilst moving around the Centre.